Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program
Resident Research
Research is an important facet of our residency program. Research is conducted
by every resident with the expectation of publishing their work. Residents
are also encouraged to present their research at local, national, and
international conferences. Each resident will work with the Director of
Orthopedic Research, Dr. Yoon, to start a new project or join an existing
one. The Orthopedic Research Committee keeps track of all projects and
provides guidance for resident research.
As part of the AOAO residency training standards, each resident is required during their PGY 3, 4, and 5 years to submit at least one scientific paper as the first author. Projects can include a scientific article, a literature review, a case report or a poster presentation. PGY5 residents are required to submit their paper prior to January 1st of their graduating year.
AOAO Guidelines for Resident Research
Research Fellowships
There are a limited number of opportunities for motivated medical students and recent medical graduates to join our research team. For more information, please email our residency coordinator Amber Yuill
Resident Publications
- Keller, D.M., Saad, B.N., Hong, I.S., Gencarelli, P. Jr., Tang, A., Jankowski, J.M., Liporace, F.A., Yoon, R.S. Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Patients with Proximal Humerus Fractures Versus Rotator Cuff Arthropathy: Can Fracture Patients Achieve Similar Outcomes? IN PRESS FOR PUBLICATION IN JOURNAL OF AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS GLOBAL RESEARCH & REVIEWS, SEPT 2023
- Heiman, E., Menken, L.G., Tang, A., Vialonga, M.D., Jankowski, J.M., Liporace, F.A., Yoon, R.S. Early Versus Standard Weight Bearing Following Operative Treatment of Tibial Plateau Fractures: Do We Really Have to Wait So Long? ONLINE AHEAD OF PRESS IN JOURNAL OF KNEE SURGERY, AUGUST 2023
- Deliso, M., Baskar, S., Gencarelli, P. Jr., Tang, A., Jankowski, J.M., Liporace, F.A., Yoon, R.S. Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Younger Patients: A Comparable Analysis of Patients Older and Younger Than 65 Years. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS GLOBAL RESEARCH & REVIEWS, June 2023;7(6):e22.00264
- Green, C.C., Stelzer, J.W., Kerr, M.S., Tang, A., Menken, L.G., Romanelli, F., Miller, J.M., Liporace, F.A., Haidukewych, G.J., Yoon, R.S. Risk Factors for Reoperation Following Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty Using a Hinged Knee Prosthesis for Septic and Aseptic Indications. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS, October 2023;31(19):798-814
- Attenasio, A., Kraeutler, M.J., Hong, I.S., Baskar, S., Patel, D.V., Wright, C., Jankowski, J.M., Liporace, F.A., Yoon, R.S. Are complications related to the perineal post on orthopaedic traction tables for surgical fracture fixation more common than we think? A systematic review. PATIENT SAFETY IN SURGERY. March 2023;17(1):5
- Hong, I.S., Pierpoint, L.A., Hellwinkel, J.E., Berk, A.N., Salandra, J., Meade, J.M., Piasecki, D.P., Fleischli, J.E., Ahmad, C.S., Trofa, D.P., Saltzman, B.M. Clinical Outcomes Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Soccer (football, fúbol) Players: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analaysis. ONLINE AHEAD OF PRESS IN SPORTS HEALTH. March 2023
- D’ambrosio, M. Tang, A. Menken, L.G. Hagag, A.T. Liporace, F.A. Yoon, R.S. Adjunct neutralization plating in patella fracture fixation: a technical trick.IN PRESS FOR PUBLICATION IN OTA INTERNATIONAL, JULY 2022.
- Liporace, F.A., Tang, A., Jankowski, J.M., Yoon, R.S. Distal Femur: Nail Plate Combination and the Linked Construct. IN PRESS FOR PUBLICATION IN OTA INTERNATIONAL. DECEMBER 2022.
- Keller, D.M., Pizzo, R.A., Patel, J.N., Viola, A., Yoon, R.S., Liporace, F.A. Use of antibiotic-cement coated locking plates in the setting of periprosthetic infection and infected nonunion. INJURY. July 2022;53(7):2567-2572.
- Heiman, E., Gencarelli, P. Jr., Tang, A., Yingling, J.M., Liporace, F.A., Yoon, R.S. Fragility Fractures of the Pelvis and Sacrum: Current Trends in Literature. HIP AND PELVIS. June 2022; 53(6): 1777-8.
- Whitlock, K.G., LaRose, M., Barber, H., Fletcher, A., Cunningham, D., Menken, L., Yoon, R.S., Gage, M.J. Deltoid ligament repair versus trans-syndesmotic fixation for bimalleolar equivalent ankle fractures. INJURY. June 2022;53(6):2292-2296.
- Gencarelli, P. Jr., Lee, J., Menken, L.G., Salandra, J., Liporace, F.A., Yoon, R.S. Techniques for extensor mechanism reconstruction after total knee arthroplasty: Is there a clear winner? INJURY. June 2022;53(6):1777-1788.
- Chandra, A.A., Romanelli, F., Tang, A., Menken, L., Zhang, M., Feintisch, A., Liporace, F.A., Yoon, R.S. A Comparison of Healing and Complication Rates Between Common Flaps Utilized in Total-Knee Arthroplasty: A Review of the Literature. KNEE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH. 2022; 34(1):15.
- Vialonga, M.D., Menken, L.G., Tang, A., Yurek, J.W., Sun, L., Feldman, J.J., Liporace, F.A., Yoon, R.S. Survivorship Analysis in Asymptomatic COVID-19+ Hip Fracture Patients: Is There an Increase in Mortality? HIP AND PELVIS. March 2022;34(1):25-34.
- Tang, A., Gambhir, N., Menken, L.G., Shah, J.K., D'Ambrosio, M., Ramakrishnan, V., Liporace, F.A., Yoon, R.S. Identification of concomitant injuries associated with specific spine level fractures in polytrauma patients. INJURY. March 2022;53(3):1068-1072.
- Heiman, E.M. Jankowski, J.M. Yoon, R.S. Feldman, J.J. Scapulothoracic Dissociation: A Review of an Orthopedic Emergency. ORTHOP CLIN NORTH AMERICA. January 2022. 53(1): 77-81.
- Jankowski, J.M., Yoon, R.S. Response to Letter to the Editor: Comparing Intramedullary Nailing Versus Locked Plating in the Treatment of Native Distal Femur Fractures: Is One Superior to the Other? INDIAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPEDICS. 2021;56(2):355-356.
- Liporace FA, Menken LG, Yoon RS. Complex Distal Femur Fracture: A New and Novel Technique to Maximize Fixation and Promote Early Weight-Bearing – A Case Report. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC TRAUMA, SPECIAL CASE REPORT SERIES. July 2021.
- Menken LG, Jankowski JM, Liporace FA, Yoon RS. Advancing the Treatment of Segmental Defects: Eliminating “Graft Escape" During the Second Stage of Masquelet Technique. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC TRAUMA, SPECIAL CASE REPORT SERIES. June 2021.
- Saad, B.N. Zurita, D. Li, D.J. Dailey, H. Yoon, R.S. Liporace, F.A. Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate as a Reliable Adjunct in Tibiotalocalcaneal Fusion : A Radiographic Modified RUST Analysis. INDIAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS, June 2021. 56(1): 87-93.
- Gianakos, A. Haring, R.S. Saad, B.N. Menken, L.G. Elkattaway, S. Liporace, F.A. Yoon, R.S. Tranexamic Acid Lowers Transfusion Requirement and Length of Stay Following Revision Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty. PATIENT SAFETY IN SURGERY, May 2021. 15(1): 21.
- Buzin, S.D. Geller, J.A. Yoon, R.S. Macaulay, W. Lateral Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: A Review. WORLD JOURNAL OF ORTHOPEDICS, April 2021. 12(4): 197-206.