Activities Supported by the Credentials Verification Organization (CVO)

Initial Appointment

Initial applicants to one or more RWJBH hospitals must complete an online application. Information to support the application submission is retained in a central data repository maintained by the CVO and accessible only to RWJBH representatives authorized to access the information to support the tasks of their position. The CVO obtains primary source verification of information supplied in the application. The granting of medical staff membership and clinical privileges at individual RWJBH hospitals is at the discretion of each RWJBH hospital in accordance with the applicable Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and Policies of the hospital.


Reappointment is the process of re-evaluating a practitioner's current competency after they have been appointed to the medical staff at an RWJBH entity. Providers that presently maintain medical staff membership and/or clinical privileges will be assigned a System reappointment date. RWJBH plans to reappoint each practitioner via a schedule based on the practitioner's birth month. Some practitioners may be reappointed "out of sync" depending on their initial approval date in relation to the current reappointment schedule. Reappointments are being standardized to place all practitioners in the birth month cycle. During this transition period your reappointment cycle may be less than 36 months.

Six months prior to the assigned date, a prefilled reappointment application containing the information currently in the central data repository will be released to the provider via email for review, completion, and submission to the CVO. Information to support the application submission is retained in a central data repository maintained by the CVO and accessible only to RWJBH representatives authorized to access the information to support the tasks of their position. The CVO obtains primary source verification of information supplied in the application. The renewal of medical staff membership and clinical privileges at individual RWJBH hospitals is at the discretion of each RWJBH hospital in accordance with the applicable Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and Policies of the hospital.

Expiring Records Management

The currency and accuracy of the data in the central data repository is maintained by the CVO. Notices of expired documents will be sent by the CVO, and the current documents are made available to each hospital and organization where the physician or other health care practitioner has membership and privileges.

Medical Staff Bylaws at each respective RWJBH hospital requires providers maintain current expirables at all times (license, insurance, life support certification, board certification, prescriptive authority, health documentation, etc.). Failure to renew license or insurance will result in suspension of medical staff privileges until renewal has been verified.

The CVO monitors expiration dates and reports expiring certificates/licenses to the Medical Staff Offices. All practitioners on staff at an RWJBH hospital must provide the CVO with renewed credentials or certificates PRIOR to expiration.

Should you have any questions concerning the application process, please contact the Central Medical Affairs Office at 848-237-6800.

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