Support on the Journey: Least Restrictive Environment
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Support on the Journey
Free online support group for caregivers of children with special health care needs
A parent asked "Which placement is best for my child?"
Topic: What is Least Restrictive Environment
Thursday, February 23, 2023
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Presented by: S. Paul Prior, Esq., Hinkle Prior & Fischer, P.C in collaboration with Children’s Specialized Hospital
About this session: Least Restrictive Environment, often referred to as LRE, can mean different things in different situations. No two students are alike, and no two students equally benefit from the same educational placement. While LRE may often mean the student should attend school in the same classroom as typically developing peers, in some circumstances, it may mean a specialized out of district placement. In this workshop, we will discuss the legal standards surrounding LRE as well as the various educational and placement options which are typically available. We will review the various issues and challenges surrounding LRE disputes and how those disputes are resolved. Our speaker will allow time for questions and answers.
Note: You will receive a reminder and the meeting link via email two days before the session. You are welcome to submit your questions ahead of the day. To submit your questions or seek information relating to this event, email Sandra at