ElevATe Your Career: Career Advancement Tips for the Growing AT Professional

New Jersey Athletic Trainers: take advantage of this exciting educational event:

“ElevATe Your Career: Career Advancement Tips for the growing AT Professional”

2.0 BOC approved CEs - Cost: FREE (BOC Provider ID P10032)

Presenters: Chris Meny MS, ATC, PES & Ryan Stevens MPS, ATC, CSCS

Thursday 11/18/21, 9:30a-11:30a

Iron Peak Sports & Events - Hillsborough, NJ

RSVP asap for this exclusive event - registration is limited to the first 24 athletic trainers!

Target Audience: Certified Athletic Trainers looking for personal and professional career growth and enhanced opportunities to make an impact through our profession.

Objectives: After this event Athletic Trainers will:

  • understand and develop decision making skills regarding career advancement
  • be able to put into practice networking and collaboration skills to enhance career growth
  • be able to develop and utilize Ethos-based decision making skills for career development
  • demonstrate approaches to create an inspirational work environment that is rewarding to be a part of
  • have the tools to write outcome-based critical job elements to guide your growth

Event Structure:

  • Hour 1: Lecture
  • Hour 2: Lab - activities to implement key seminar points

BONUS: Those ATs who register will also have the option of receiving additional bonus individualized mentorship outside of this event in the following two areas:

  1. The AT can submit their resume and cover letter in advance via email and receive constructive feedback to enhance your likelihood of getting interviews in the job setting you're seeking
  2. The AT can have their LinkedIn Profile reviewed and receive individualized feedback on how to enhance their “digital resume”

Registration Deadline; Monday 11/15/21. Register online, and after registration you will receive instructions on how to take advantage of the Bonus Features listed above!

Iron Peak Sports and Events

137 Mountain View Rd

Hillsborough Township, NJ 08844

Questions? Contact Ryan Stevens, Manager - Athletic Training

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