• Philosophy of Care:

    I prefer to look at my interactions with my patients as a partnership. We work together to improve their health, cure their cancer, manage their reflux, or make their breathing better. I strongly believe that patients need to be an active participant in their care, and the first step of that is making sure they understand what the clinical situation is, what I propose as a treatment plan, and what their expectations can be going forward.

    I approach the care of my patients as a partnership, as we both work to maximize their health and diagnose and treat whatever thoracic pathology is at hand. In order to fully participate in that partnership, my patient's need to have a clear understanding of what the problem is and what all of the treatment options are, not just the ones that I provide directly. It is my responsibility to take whatever time is needed to explain the situation to a patient so they can fully understand all facets of their care. Before, during, and after surgery I always keep in the forefront of my mind that it may just be another day at the office for me, but that it is likely the biggest, most important, and most stressful thing that the patient is going through this year.


    Minimally invasive thoracic and abdominal procedures, including laparoscopy, thoracoscopy and robotic approaches. This includes lung resection for lung cancer, chest wall resections, anterior and posterior mediastinal mass resections, minimally invasive thymectomy, fundoplications for treatment of reflux, treatment of hiatal hernias, and treatment of esophageal tumors and other pathologies.


    Lung cancer, Esophageal cancer, Pleural effusions, Pneumothorax, Reflux disease (GERD), Hiatal Hernia, Esophageal diverticulum, Tracheomalacia, Esophageal and Bronchial strictures and masses, Chest wall tumors, Interstitial lung disease, Anterior and Posterior mediastinal masses, Thymoma

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    Clinical Interests

    Minimally invasive thoracic surgery, including both robotic and thorascopic approaches. The surgical treatment of lung cancer, chest wall tumors, hiatal hernias and achalasia, diseases of the pleural space, and mediastinal tumors.