
Several kidney donors and recipients connected through Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center met for the first time on June 11, live on NBC’s Megyn Kelly Today Show.

Kidney Transplant: A Story of Life

Sometimes "Thank you" doesn't seem like enough. For the recipients of kidney donations made as part of the longest single center kidneytransplant chain currently in the United States, the selfless giving acts are life-saving and life-changing.

"This person doesn't know me, this person doesn't know my family, yet he gives the biggest sacrifice - an organ - to a person that he doesn't know. It really changed my life, dramatically," says kidney recipient Troy Dorch.

Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center recently held a celebration for the donors and recipients, their loved ones and the clinicians and supporters who have come together to save lives. "THANK YOU!" for entrusting us with your care, for sharing your amazing journeys and for the resonating impact that you have made.

Dr. Shamkant Mulgaonkar Talks Advances in Living Donor Transplants

Dr. Shamkant Mulgaonkar, Chief of the Renal and Pancreas Division at RWJBarnabas Health discusses new advances in living donor transplants.

Dr. Mulgaonkar is one of the preeminent professionals in transplantation in the United States. He has been instrumental in the rapid growth of transplantation and championed the development of the Living Donor Transplant Institute. He is a dynamic leader who has cared for more than 1,500 kidney transplant recipients since the 1970s, and is largely responsible for the success of the Barnabas Health Renal and Pancreas Transplant Division as one of the most highly regarded programs in the United States.