Pastoral and Spiritual Care Department

Addressing Your Spiritual Needs During Your Stay

Request Spiritual Support

A serious medical diagnosis often evokes a range of feelings and raises questions about meaning, purpose and faith.

Professional chaplains are spiritual specialists who are part of the health care team. Our clinical chaplains are trained to help meet the spiritual, emotional, and religious needs of patients, family members and staff unique to the healthcare environment.

We are available to help meet the needs of patients, family members and staff of all faiths, as well as those who are spiritual but not religious. Our chaplains provide a confidential, safe space to share concerns, thoughts, and feelings and support patients and their loved ones on their health care journey.

Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center’s Spiritual Care Department is also dedicated to “healing the healer.” Those who have dedicated their lives to caring for others must maintain their own spiritual and emotional health in order to continue to provide superlative care for others. We nurture our hospital family by providing confidential, supportive opportunities and programs for staff to debrief and process some of the challenging situations they encounter in their demanding work. Our team members are always available to provide a listening ear or lend a shoulder to hospital employees facing their own life challenges.

We meet the spiritual and emotional needs of patients, family members and staff during difficult times.

Our department is proud to include specially trained therapeutic musicians who provide healing harp music to patients, visitors and staff. Music is a universal language that can reduce pain, anxiety, and nausea and support relaxation, deeper breathing and improved sleep.

Individuals in the hospital can request a spiritual support visit from a chaplain or a therapeutic music session with a Certified Music Practitioner by speaking with the patient’s nurse or by contacting the department Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

For spiritual emergencies in the hospital after hours, Dial 0 for operator.

Spiritual Care Department

Ground Floor Central
Interfaith Chapel open 24 hours for reflection and prayer

Schedule of Services

Catholic Mass
Monday through Friday 9 a.m. in the Chapel
Sunday, 9 a.m., 10 a.m. in the Chapel

Islamic Juma Prayer
Friday 1:30 p.m. in the Chapel

Request Spiritual Support

Patient Stories

Patient Stories

  • Watch Testimonial