Phone Directory
General Information: (973) 322-5000
Patient Information: (973) 322-8000
Physician Referral Services: 1-888-724-7123
Medical Departments & Services
*Located at the Ambulatory Care Center, 200 South Orange Avenue, Livingston
**Located in the East Wing of Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center
+Located at 101 Old Short Hills Road, West Orange
Ambulatory Surgery Center: (973) 322-7700*
Anesthesiology: (973) 322-5512
Asian Health, Center for: (973) 261-9077
Balance Program: (973) 322-5075
Bariatric Surgery Program: (973) 322-7433
Behavioral Health: 1-800-300-0628
Billing, Patient: 1-877-221-7809
Breast Center, The: (973) 322-7800*
Community Relations: (973) 322-9705
For appointments: (973) 322-7888
Breast Health and Disease Management, Center for: (973) 322-7020*
The Burn Center at Cooperman Barnabas: (973) 322-5920
Burn Foundation, Cooperman Barnabas: (973) 322-4344
FireNet® Program: (973) 322-5682
Blood Donation: (973) 676-4700 x127 or x197
Blood Management Institute: (973) 322-2950
Bloodless Surgery Program: (973) 322-2950
Cancer Center, The: (973) 322-5200**
Cancer Genetic Counseling Program: (973) 322-6649**
Cardiac Services
Cardiac Catheterization Suite: (973) 322-5098
Cardiac Rehabilitation Center: (973) 322-6949
Cardiothoracic Surgery: (973) 322-2200
EKG/Electrocardiogram Services, Echocardiography Laboratory: (973) 322-5064
Vascular Lab/Applied Clinical Technology: (973) 322-5418
Care Coordination Department**
Case Management: (973) 322-5055
Ethics Consultation Services: (973) 322-5855
Social Work Services: (973) 322-5855
Celiac Center: (973) 322-7272*
Center for Geriatric Health and Disease Management: (973) 322-7636*
Center for Health and Wellness: (973) 322-7444*
Center for Wound and Burn Healing: (973) 322-8555**
Child Life Department: (973) 322-8350
Children's Kidney Center: (973) 322-6767+
Colon Wellness Center: (973) 322-7719*
Community Advocates: (973) 322-4330
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center: (973) 322-7500*
Craniofacial Center: (973) 322-7123*
Development Department: (973) 322-4330
Dialysis: (973) 322-5940
Emergency Department: (973) 322-5180
Epilepsy Center, Adult and Pediatric Comprehensive: (973) 322-7580*
Film Library: (973) 322-5236
Food and Nutrition, Department of: (973) 322-5277
Gastrointestinal Cancer Center of Excellence: (973) 322-9797
Geriatric Health and Disease Management, Center for: (973) 322-7636*
Health Information Management (Medical Records): (973) 322-5835
Hearing Center: (973) 322-7100*
High-Risk Lung Cancer Screening, Free: (973) 322-6644+
Hospice Services: (973) 322-4800
Human Resources: (973) 322-2300**
Imaging Center: (973) 322-7850*
For appointments: (973) 322-7888
Infection and Prevention Control: (973) 322-6561+
Infusion Center: (973) 322-5317
Infusion Program: (973) 322-7300*
Integrative Medicine Center: (973) 322-7007*
Internal Medicine Faculty Practice: (973) 322-6256+
Intravenous Therapy Department: (973) 322-5427
The Joint Institute: (973) 322-9908
Livingston Infusion Care: (800)-242-0113
Livingston Technologies: (973) 322-5671
The Lung Cancer Institute: (973) 322-6644+
Maternity Concierge Service: (973) 322-5500
Matthew J. Morahan, III Health Assessment Center for Athletes: (973) 322-7913
MedCom Lifeline: 1-800-242-1306 x 4551
Medical Center HealthCare Services: (973) 243-1001
Home Care Services: (973) 243-1001
Private Duty Hospital Services: (973) 322-0315
Medical Education and Clinical Research: (973) 322-5777**
Medical Staff Office: (973) 322-5040
Medicine, Department of: (973) 322-5645
Minimally Invasive Multi-Disciplinary Suite: (973) 322-5098
Multiple Sclerosis Comprehensive Care Program: (973) 322-7484*
Multi-Specialty Practice of Westfield: (908) 233-8571
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: (973) 322-5300
High-Risk Infant Follow Up Program: (973) 322-2631
Infant Apnea Program: (973) 322-2631
Neurology and Neurosurgery at Cooperman Barnabas, Institute for: (973) 322-7580*
Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
EEG/Electroencephalography: (973) 322-5032 -
Multiple Sclerosis Center: (973) 322-7484
Neuropsychological Services
Nursing, Department of: (973) 322-5204
Nursing Education: (973) 322-9820
Nutritional Counseling Services: (973) 322-5664
Obesity and Weight Management Center: (973) 322-7007*
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of: (973) 322-5282
Center for Urogynecology: (973) 322-9998**
Gynecologic Cancer and Pelvic Surgery, LCC: (973) 243-9300+
Maternal Fetal High-Risk Medicine: (973) 243-5287**
The Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science: (973) 322-8286**
Women's Center for Gynecological Surgery, Caterina Gregori, M.D.: (973) 322-6200+
Obstetrics and Gynecology Health Center: (973) 322-8284**
Organ Donation: 1-800-SHARE-NJ
Osteoporosis Center: (973) 322-7430*
The Pain Institute: (973) 322-7775*
Pastoral Care, Department of: (973) 322-5015
Pathology, Department of: (973) 322-5750
Andrology Laboratory: (973) 322-5190
Patient Access (Admitting): (973) 322-5165
Patient Experience Department: (973) 322-5459
Pediatric Health Center: (973) 322-5400**
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: (973) 322-8803
Pediatrics, Department of: (973) 322-5690
Pediatric Nephrology and Transplantation: (973) 322-6767+
Pediatric Rehabilitation (Outpatient): (973) 322-6363*
The Pediatric Specialty Center: (973) 322-6900
Perinatal Simulation Training Center: (973) 322-6660+
Pharmacy Department: (973) 322-5812
Pharmacy, Retail: (973) 322-2445**
Physician Referral: 1-888-724-7123
Physical Medicine: (973) 322-7909*
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: (973) 322-5169
Pre-Admission Testing: (973) 322-5064
Public Relations/Marketing: (973) 322-5441**
Pulmonary Function Lab: (973) 322-7658*
Pulmonary Laboratory: (973) 322-5092
Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Outpatient: (973) 322-8926**
Radiation Oncology: (973) 322-5630
Radiology, Department of: (973) 322-5800
Refractive Surgery Center: (973) 322-7185*
Regional Perinatal Center: (973) 322-5300
Reproductive Medicine and Science, The Institute for: (973) 322-8286**
Respiratory Care, Department of: (973) 322-5084
Pulmonary Laboratory: (973) 322-5092
Robotic Surgery Center: 1-888-724-7123
RWJBarnabas Health Compliance and Discrimination Helpline: (800) 780-1140
Security Department: (973) 322-5490
Sleep Center, The Center for: (973) 322-9800
Speech-Language Learning Center: 973) 322-6333+
Sports and Physical Medicine Institute: (973) 322-7330*
Stroke Center at Cooperman Barnabas: (973) 322-6500
Surgery, Department of: (973) 322-5195
Therapy Departments
Inpatient Occupational Therapy: (973) 322-8241
Inpatient Physical Therapy: (973) 322-5018
Speech Therapy: (973) 322-2581
Tobacco Treatment Program: (973) 322-5767
Transplant Division, RWJBarnabas Health Renal and Pancreas: 1-888-409-4707 or (973) 322-5938**
Transplant Surgery Department: (973) 322-9801**
The Vascular Center: (973) 322-7308*
- Volunteer Resources Department: (973) 322-5592
Weight Loss Center, NJ Bariatric and Metabolic Inst.: (973) 322-7433*
Women's Center for Gynecological Surgery, Caterina Gregori, M.D.: (973) 322-6200+
Women’s Health/Parent Education: (973) 322-5360
Wound and Burn Healing, Center for: (973) 322-8555