
Event Volunteer Resource Center

The Volunteer Resource Center at Community Medical Center provides hospital departments with an active volunteer network. Volunteers give their support in several ways, from delivering flowers and mail to filling or answering phones. Community Medical Center's volunteer can be found in the hospital and Second Time Around Consignment Shop, and other locations, helping to ensure our patients receive the best care possible at Community Medical Center.

High school freshman students and up are welcome.

For more information or to inquire about volunteering, please call (732) 557-8003 or contact cmc.volunteers@rwjbh.org

For Junior Volunteer Applicants:

Please print out the Junior Volunteer Packet this packet of additional forms, have your parent or guardian sign them, and submit the information by dropping it off at the Patient Information Desk in Community Medical Center’s Lobby or email them to cmc.volunteers@rwjbh.org.

Junior Volunteer Application

For Adult Volunteer Applicants:

Please print out the Adult Volunteer Packet, fill it out, and submit the information by dropping it off at the Patient Information Desk in Community Medical Center’s Lobby or email them to cmc.volunteers@rwjbh.org.

Adult Volunteer Application

Interested in volunteering?

Learn about our Volunteer Department.

Why I Volunteer

Cheryl Smith

Cheryl S“I volunteer because there was a time in my life when I was very sick. The hospital staff where I was admitted took excellent care of me. They were so patient and kind to me that I wanted to pay it forward by volunteering my time. I have great respect for everyone working in the medical field and I am grateful to volunteer my time in return.”

Juliana Moro Reyes

Juliana“I chose to volunteer because I wanted to be involved more in my community and being here and volunteering has taught me so many things. Being able to interact with different people, seeing so many different faces, being able to put a smile on someone’s face who is going through so much, it means a lot me. I am so grateful of having the opportunity of being able to volunteer.”