Wellness Services

Let’s Be Healthy Together

At our facilities, we do more than treat injuries and illnesses, we provide our community with resources and services that help people live longer and healthier. Our preventive care and wellness programs focus on educating patients on ways they can improve their health and avoid serious medical complications. We take a holistic approach to healing, and strive to help patients feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Your Annual Wellness Visit

Meeting with your primary care physician once a year is an important step that keeps you aware of your body’s current condition and what you can do in the future to avoid health risks. Since this is a general health visit, this is your chance to discuss any medical questions or concerns you have with your doctor. Let them know about any changes you’ve experienced in the past year, and make sure the check your blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index (BMI) and other “numbers” that are important for your overall health and wellness.

You should also discuss any health screenings you may need going forward. Depending on your age and your family’s medical history, you could have an increased risk for certain types of diseases and cancer. While you can’t always reduce risk factors, you can plan out a screening schedule so that your doctor can diagnose these conditions in the early stages and start treatment before it becomes a major complication.

Our Health & Wellness Services

We are committed to making New Jersey a happier, healthier place for all. Our health and wellness services promote healthy lifestyles and provide you and your family with easy access to medical resources.

Our wellness services include:

Food Farmacy — A Prescription for Healthy Living

Some of our hospitals offer a Food “Farmacy” – In partnership with the Community Food Bank of NJ and local New Jersey farmers, our food “farmacies” offer fresh produce and shelf-stable items to improve access to healthy food in a geographic area identified as a food desert. As part of the program, a registered dietitian provides nutrition counseling, culturally relevant, healthy recipes, and education to help participants learn how to cook and eat healthfully to prevent or better manage their chronic conditions and to understand why our food choice plays a critical part in our overall health and well-being.

You do not have to figure out the ins-and-outs of healthy living alone. Learning more about health and wellness can often feel overwhelming or even discouraging, but with trusted, knowledgeable medical professionals helping you navigate all the information, you can create a wellness plan that suits your lifestyle and personal preferences.

Contact us today to schedule your annual wellness visit or learn more about our wellness services and events.

Let’s Be Healthy Together