Seizure Disorders

The Epilepsy Program of the Jay and Linda Grunin Neuroscience Institute is designated Level 3 Epilepsy program. Level 3 epilepsy programs have the professional expertise and facilities to provide the highest level medical evaluation and treatment for patients with complex epilepsy. We provide Video EEG monitoring for children and adults to help diagnose epilepsy and other seizure disorders.

Achieved National Association of Epilepsy Center accreditation as a Level 3 program March 2014

The accurate diagnosis of epilepsy and other seizure disorders often requires performing prolonged outpatient or inpatient video-electroencephalography (video-EEG) monitoring. This procedure uses a simultaneous video and EEG recording — a brain wave test used to detect abnormalities in the electrical activity of the brain — to document one or more of the patient's typical spells, in order to determine their cause, nature and optimal treatment.

The Neuroscience Institute at Community Medical Center offers the only video-EEG service in the region for children, adolescents and adults. The program feature state-of-the-art computerized digital EEG and video equipment on both our pediatric and adults units.

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  • I’m seeing life through a different lens now. I am more positive than I have ever been. If not for my doctors, I’m not sure how much longer I could have gone on.

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