Myths vs. Facts

MYTH: You have to hit your head to sustain a concussion.

FACT. A hard blow to the head, neck, face, body, or jaw can cause a concussion. Anything that moves the brain in the skull through a hard impact can lead to brain injury.

MYTH: Imaging can diagnose a concussion.

FACT. Acute concussion cannot be seen on standard imaging, MRI, or CT scans. Today, imaging is rarely ordered in the acute phase of an injury (initial week), but may be ordered later (several weeks following an injury) to look for alternative diagnosis if a patient is still reporting symptoms.

MYTH: Neuro-cognitive testing (ImPACT testing) and other modes of assessment (King-Devick Testing, Vestibular Ocular Motor Screening) can diagnose a concussion.

FACT. All testing post-concussion are tools that are used to help a physician reach a diagnosis. These types of testing do not diagnose a concussion, a physician does. The testing comprehensively along with a thorough physician exam and symptom assessment give the physician confidence in making a diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

MYTH: Every concussion I have should heal in the same amount of time.

FACT. ALL brain injuries heal at different speeds. Evidence shows, that with every concussion, risk of more prolonged recovery increases. Recovery timelines are often extended with each subsequent concussion especially if the first concussion never healed properly or was cleared for to early to return to activity.