Auxiliary Services

The Auxiliary at Clara Maass Medical Center began 74 years ago as a self-governing volunteer membership organization whose members work together to assist Clara Maass in promoting the health and welfare of the community. The Auxiliary hosts activities throughout the year to raise money for the hospital and the patients at Clara Maass Medical Center; over the years, the Auxiliary has raised a total of $1 million. Past fundraisers have included raffles, jewelry sales, plant sales, baby photos and a fashion show. Over the years, the Auxiliary has grown to more than 60 dues-paying members, some of whom have been involved with the hospital for more than a quarter century.

The Auxiliary meets monthly from September - June, and includes a short business meeting, an educational presentation and refreshments. It has its own board made up of people from the community who are dedicated to the hospital. The board is led by its president, Angela Cuozzo-Zarro. Every year, the Auxilians determine how best to raise money throughout the year to help meet the hospital’s needs. It provides scholarships to local students pursuing health care careers and amenities such as to our patients.

The Auxiliary raises money at the hospital through:

  • Raffles
  • Fundraising events and vendor sales
  • Community Baby Shower
  • Anniversary Celebration
  • Holiday Celebration

To become an Auxilian, return the completed application and a check or money order to cover the $10 annual membership dues to:

Clara Maass Auxiliary
Attention: Angela Cuozzo-Zarro, President
1 Clara Maass Drive
Belleville, NJ 07109

For questions or more information, call Grace Constantino, First Vice President 973-743-7307

The Clara Maass Medical Center Auxiliary Marks its 75th Anniversary – in a Safe, Socially-Distant Way

Patient Stories

Patient Stories

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