Clara Maass Medical Center Foundation

Click HERE to make a gift via credit card, PayPal, Venmo or Digital Wallet to support the patients and programs at Clara Maass Medical Center.

For over 150 years, Clara Maass Medical Center has been providing accessible and compassionate health care to all those who turn to us for help. And since the very beginning, the generosity of individuals, businesses, and organizations has made a difference to the hospital’s ability to deliver high quality, compassionate health care that keeps pace with the latest advances in technology and medicine.

About Our Foundation

Ways to Give

  • Give Now

    The generosity of our donors has made a significant impact in Clara Maass Medical Center's ability to continue to provide quality health care.


    Our monthly pledge option is set up automatically to help donors save time and make donations more efficient.

  • Volunteers Welcome

    We offer volunteer opportunities in patient-related services, clerical areas and fundraising.

  • Mission Moments

    Made Possible through the tremendous support of our very own generous community.

Today, the tradition continues through a variety of giving opportunities that include annual gifts, planned gifts, tributes and special events. Whether it is a significant charitable bequest or the thoughtfulness of a child who collects coins to buy toys for hospitalized children, Clara Maass Medical Center Foundation deeply appreciates all philanthropic acts that benefit the Medical Center.

Patient Stories

Patient Stories

  • Watch Testimonial