Recognize our Support Personnel

The BEE Award

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Would You Like to Celebrate a Support Personnel? Share Your Story!

The BEE Award is a chance for everyone to recognize our support personnel who have made a great impact in a life of a patient and/or another colleague.

Please say thank you by sharing your story of how they made a difference you will never forget!

The BEE Award, stands for “Being Exceptional Every Day” and is a complimentary award to the DAISY Award.

Just like a DAISY would not be able to grow without the help of the BEE, our nurses could not do what they do for our patients without the outstanding teamwork of other health care professionals.

This support personnel impacts staff and/or the patient care they manage by:

  • Role modeling extraordinary behavior by Speaking Up for Safety and escalating concerns.
  • Creating an environment of healing by Thoughtful Interactions and exercising a questioning attitude.
  • Motivates others to improve outcomes by practicing You and Me Together.

Promotes the mission and vision of the organization through participation in committees within or outside the facility.

If you have any questions, please send email to:

BEE Award Nomination

Patient Stories

  • "I don’t know why I put it off. It was the best thing I ever did."

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  • “The nurses and everyone at both RWJUH Rahway and NBI were fantastic."

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  • “Getting a transplant has changed my life completely. I am very grateful.”

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Patient Stories

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  • Watch Testimonial
  • Watch Testimonial