Brian D. Greer, PhD

Brian Greer PhDBrian D. Greer, PhD, is the founding director of the Severe Behavior Program within the Rutgers University Center for Autism Research, Education, and Services. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics and a core member of the Brain Health Institute. He received a Bachelor of Science in psychology from the University of Florida in 2008. Dr. Greer obtained a Master of Arts in applied behavioral science in 2011 and a Ph.D. in behavioral psychology in 2013, both from the University of Kansas. He later completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He has served on the board of editors and as a guest associate editor for the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. He is the 2013 recipient of the Baer, Wolf, and Risley Outstanding Graduate Student Award and the 2019 recipient of the B. F. Skinner Foundation New Researcher Award in the area of applied research. Dr. Greer is the Executive Director of the Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior, and he currently supervises three R01 grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development on stimulus-control refinements of functional communication training and preventing relapse of destructive behavior using Behavioral Momentum Theory and Resurgence as Choice. He has helped to acquire and carry out over $10 million in federal grant funding.

Research Publications

Select Publications

  • Haney, S. D., Piazza, C. C., Peterson, K. M., & Greer, B. D. (in press). An evaluation of a renewal-mitigation procedure for inappropriate mealtime behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
  • Randall, K. R., Greer, B. D., Smith, S. W., & Kimball, R. T. (in press). Sustaining behavior reduction by transitioning the topography of the functional communication response during FCT. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
  • Miller, S. A., Fisher, W. W., Greer, B. D., Saini, V., & Keevy, M. D. (in press). Procedures for determining and then modifying the extinction component of multiple schedules for destructive behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
  • Owen, T. M., Fisher, W. W., Akers, J. A., Sullivan, W. E., Falcomata, T. S., Greer, B. D., Roane, H. S., & Zangrillo, A. N. (in press). Treating destructive behavior reinforced by increased caregiver compliance with participant’s mands. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
  • Mitteer, D. R., Randall, K. R., Van Winkle, L. J., & Greer, B. D. (2020). Incorporating discriminative stimuli into functional communication training with augmentative and alternative communication devices: A tutorial. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 36, 63–70.
  • Mitteer, D. R., Greer, B. D., Randall, K. R., & Briggs, A. M. (2020). Further evaluation of teaching behavior technicians to input data and graph using GraphPad Prism. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 20, 81–93.
  • Brown, K. R., Greer, B. D., Craig, A. R., Sullivan, W. E., Fisher, W. W., & Roane, H. S. (2020). Resurgence following differential reinforcement of alternative behavior implemented with and without extinction. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 113, 449–467.
  • Greer, B. D., Fisher, W. W., Retzlaff, B. J., & Fuhrman, A. M. (2020). A preliminary evaluation of treatment duration on the resurgence of destructive behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 113, 251–262.
  • Fisher, W. W., Fuhrman, A. M., Greer, B. D., Mitteer, D. R., & Piazza, C. C. (2020). Mitigating resurgence of destructive behavior using the discriminative stimuli of a multiple schedule. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 113, 263–277.
  • Kimball, R. T., Greer, B. D., Randall, K. R., & Briggs, A. M. (2020). Investigations of operant ABA renewal during differential reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 113, 187–205.
  • Greer, B. D., Mitteer, D. R., Briggs, A. M., Fisher, W. W., & Sodawasser, A. J. (2020). Comparisons of standardized and interview-informed synthesized reinforcement contingencies relative to traditional functional analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 53, 82–101.
  • Retzlaff, B. J., Fisher, W. W., Akers, J. S., & Greer, B. D. (2020). A translational evaluation of potential iatrogenic effects of single and combined contingencies during functional analysis of target responses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 53, 67–81.
  • Mitteer, D. R., Fisher, W. W., Briggs, A. M., Greer, B. D., & Hardee, A. M. (2019). Evaluation of an omnibus mand in the treatment of multiply controlled destructive behavior. Behavioral Development, 24, 74–88.
  • Akers, J. S., Retzlaff, B. J., Fisher, W. W., Greer, B. D., Kaminski, A. J., & DeSouza, A. A. (2019). An evaluation of conditional manding using a four-component multiple schedule. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 35, 94–102.
  • Greer, B. D., Fisher, W. W., Briggs, A. M., Lichtblau, K. R., Phillips, L. A., & Mitteer, D. R. (2019). Using schedule-correlated stimuli during functional communication training to promote the rapid transfer of treatment effects. Behavioral Development, 24, 100–119.
  • Greer, B. D., & Shahan, T. A. (2019). Resurgence as Choice: Implications for promoting durable behavior change. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 52, 816–846.