Autism Research
Children's Specialized Hospital
Autism Center of Excellence
The Children's Specialized Hospital Research Center’s studies in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) cover a range of topics from the development of screening tools for underserved communities, medication studies, research on how ASD impacts brain function, to studies of the genetic causes of ASD.
Our Current Autism Studies
Validating an Assessment Tool for Echolalia in Autism Spectrum Disorder (2-6 years old): The Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Research Unit at CSH is investigating repetitive speech in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We are seeking children (2-6 years old) with a diagnosis of autism who are verbal or have some productive language. For more information, click on the title to see the flyer, or contact Dr. Joman Natsheh at or Amira Herstic at
Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Toe Walking in Children with Autism (4-12 years old). The physiatry department at CSH as looking to see if whole body vibration therapy effects toe walking in children with autism. We are seeking children with autism who toe walk, ages 4 to 12 years old, who do not have another diagnosis that causes toe walking. For more information, please contact Kendall Hulk DO at
Investigating Cognitive Correlates of Action-Control in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (6-16 years old): The Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Research Unit at CSH is examining how children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) control their behavior and choose their actions. We are seeking children (6-16 years old) with a diagnosis of autism and ADHD or autism only. For more information, click on the title to see the flyer, or contact Dr. Joman Natsheh at or Amira Herstic at
A Pilot Investigation of Emergent Multi-Class Imitation Training (age 5 or younger): Rutgers University is evaluating a comprehensive intervention protocol designed to rapidly teach imitation to young children diagnosed with an ASD. They are seeking children age 5 or younger with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder who are minimally vocal (more details in flyer hyperlinked in title). For more information, please contact Dr. Meghan Deshais at
A Pilot/Feasibility Study of the Use of High Dose Propranolol to Treat Severe and Chronic Challenging Behaviors in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (12-30 years): Rutgers University (RWJMS) is examining the efficacy of propranolol to treat severe and chronic challenging behaviors in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder. They are seeking children and adults (12-30 years old) with a diagnosis of autism to participate in a double-blind study. For more information, please contact Dr. Barbie Zimmerman-Bier at (732) 401-6588 or email
SPARK: The Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge (SPARK) is an autism research initiative that aims to recruit, engage and retain a community of 50,000 individuals with autism and their family members living in the U.S. This study involves contributing a saliva sample and completing behavioral surveys. For more information, please call 908-301-5958.
- SPARK Registration in English:
- SPARK Registration in Spanish:
Will interactive acoustic experience optimize rapid auditory processing and prelinguistic acoustic mapping critical to later language in infants at familial risk for autism? (age 4 months): Experience with sound cues may strengthen abilities important for language in infants at familial risk for autism. The infancy studies laboratory (ISL) at Rutgers-Newark is inviting siblings of children with autism to participate in an interactive, baby-friendly game that encourages them to discriminate between brief sounds that become increasingly faster and more complex. The study begins at age 4 months and compensation up to $400.00 will be provided for study completion. For more information, please email us at, or visit the ISL website: and watch a video.
For more research opportunities in Autism, please visit the NJ Autism Center for Excellence website.
More Studies in Autism
- Sulforaphane and Validation of Digital Biomarkers in Autism This study with autistic adolescents and adults uses digital biomarkers to examine the impact of sulforaphane and whether digital biomarkers can help explain variations in autism.
Recent Projects
- Sulforaphane in autism. A treatment trial to confirm phenotypic improvement with sulforaphane treatment in a NJ population of individuals with autism.
- The Examination of Emotional Processing in Children with Traumatic Brain Injury or Autism.
- Exploring the Experiences of Diverse Families of Children newly diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in New Jersey.
- Development of a New Autism Screening Tool for Traditionally Underserved Families
- Piloting Early and Very Early Markers of ASD Risk in Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants
- The Blum Study: A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study of CM-AT for the Treatment of Autism in Children With All Levels of Fecal Chymotrypsin
- Exploring Pediatric Quality of Life Scores in Children with Autism
- Piloting Electrophysiologic Markers for ASD and Related Disorders in Premature and Low Birthweight Infants
- Multimodal Connectivity of Large Scale Neural Networks (LSNNs) and their impact on symptom expression and heterogeneity in pediatric Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Piloting the Safety and Efficacy of Propranolol in Adolescents and Adults with ASD and Aggression/ Self injury
- Sulforaphane and Validation of Digital Biomarkers in Autism
- Investigating Cognitive Correlates of Action-Control in Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder
- Accessibility of Autism Diagnostic Evaluations: A National Survey
- Experiences of Early Intervention Providers in Referring Children for Autism Screening
- Using a Virtual Reality Job Interview Training Tool (VR-JIT) to improve Job Interview Skills in Adolescents with Autism
- Identification of Strengths in Adolescents with Autism
- KF-Stride
- Accidental injury and children with developmental disabilities
- Caregiver Attitudes towards Cannabis Use for their Child with ASD
- The Experience of the Pediatric Outpatient Therapy Waiting Room for Autistic Children
- Comparing attendance rates for autism evaluations virtually and in-person
- Racial, Ethnic, and Language Disparities in Autism Health Service Utilization
- Whole body vibration as a treatment intervention for improving toe-walking in children with autism spectrum disorder
- Social Needs Screening Among Children with Developmental and Behavioral Concerns: A Descriptive Analysis
- Kimball, R. T., Greer, B. D., Fuhrman, A. M, et al. Relapse and Its Mitigation: Toward Behavioral Inoculation. J Appl Behav Anal 56.2 (2023): 282-301
- Lee, C. M., Green Snyder, L., Carpenter, L. A., Harris, J., et al. Agreement of Parent-Reported Cognitive Level with Standardized Measures among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res (2023).
- Sivori, T. T., Capron, M., Graves, D., Harris, J., et al. Caregivers' Views on Cannabis Use for Their Children with Autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 102 (2023): 102130
- Fisher WW, Greer BD, Mitteer DR, Fuhrman AM. Translating quantitative theories of behavior into improved clinical treatments for problem behavior. Behav Processes. 2022;198:104639
- Fisher WW, Greer BD, Shahan TA, Norris HM. Basic and applied research on extinction bursts [published online ahead of print, 2022 Oct 4]. J Appl Behav Anal. 2022;10.1002/jaba.954
- Fuhrman AM, Lambert JM, Greer BD. A brief review of expanded-operant treatments for mitigating resurgence. Psychol Rec. 2022;72(2):319-323
- Greer BD, Fisher WW, Fuhrman AM, Mitteer DR. Conducting translational research in the context of patient care. Perspect Behav Sci. 2022;45(2):383-398. Published 2022 May 2.
- Greer BD, Shahan TA, Fisher WW, Mitteer DR, Fuhrman AM. Further evaluation of treatment duration on the resurgence of destructive behavior [published online ahead of print, 2022 Oct 6]. J Appl Behav Anal. 2022;10.1002/jaba.956.
- Guerrero LA, Engler CW, Hansen BA, Piazza CC. On the validity of interpreting functional analyses of inappropriate mealtime behavior using structured criteria. J Appl Behav Anal. 2022;55(4):1280-1293.
- Haney SD, Greer BD, Mitteer DR, Randall KR.Relapse during the treatment of pediatric feeding disorders. J Appl Behav Anal. 2022;55(3):704-726.
- Jarmolowicz DP, Greer BD, Killeen PR, Huskinson SL. Applied quantitative analysis of behavior: What it is, and why we care-Introduction to the special section. Perspect Behav Sci. 2022;44(4):503-516. Published 2022 Jan 3
- Kranak MP, Mitteer DR. A concise review of recent advancements in the graphical training of behavior analysts. J Appl Behav Anal. 2022;55(4):1349-1354.
- Miller SA, Fisher WW, Greer BD, Saini V, Keevy MD.Procedures for determining and then modifying the extinction component of multiple schedules for destructive behavior. J Appl Behav Anal. 2022;55(2):463-480.
- Mitteer DR, Greer BD. Using GraphPad Prism's heat maps for efficient, fine-grained analyses of single-case data [published correction appears in Behav Anal Pract. 2022 Jan 18;15(2):515]. Behav Anal Pract. 2022;15(2):505-514. Published 2022 Jan 3.
- Mitteer DR, Greer BD, Randall KR, Haney SD. On the scope and characteristics of relapse when treating severe destructive behavior. J Appl Behav Anal. 2022;55(3):688-703.
- Phipps, Laura E, Kathryn M Peterson, and Cathleen C Piazza. Indices of Happiness and Unhappiness During Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders. Behavioral Interventions 37.3 (2022): 568-93.
- Smith SW, Greer BD. Phase duration and resurgence. J Exp Anal Behav. 2022;117(1):91-104. doi:10.1002/jeab.725
- Smith SW, Greer BD. Validating human-operant software: A case example. Behav Anal (Wash D C). 2022;22(4):389-403.
- Sunde E, Briggs AM, Mitteer DR. Reliability and validity of using structured visual-inspection criteria to interpret latency-based functional analysis outcomes. J Appl Behav Anal. 2022;55(3):871-890.
- Unachukwu, I, Jimenez ME, Harris J, et al. From initial concerns through ASD diagnosis and beyond: Latino families’ perspectives and experiences. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2022;61(10):S238.
- Casseus, Myriam. 'Prevalence of co-occurring autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder among children in the United States.' Autism (2022): 13623613221083279
- Smith SW, Greer BD. Phase duration and resurgence. J Exp Anal Behav. 2022 Jan;117(1):91-104. doi: 10.1002/jeab.725. Epub 2021 Nov 11. PMID: 34762309; PMCID: PMC8908731.
- Miller SA, Fisher WW, Greer BD, Saini V, Keevy MD. Procedures for determining and then modifying the extinction component of multiple schedules for destructive behavior. J Appl Behav Anal. 2022 Mar;55(2):463-480. doi: 10.1002/jaba.896. Epub 2021 Dec 12. PMID: 34897677.
- Andersen AS, Hansen BA, Peterson KM. An evaluation of trial-based functional analyses of inappropriate mealtime behavior. J Appl Behav Anal. 2022 Feb;55(1):264-289. doi: 10.1002/jaba.888. Epub 2021 Nov 18. PMID: 34796485.
- Randall KR, Greer BD, Smith SW, Kimball RT. Sustaining behavior reduction by transitioning the topography of the functional communication response. J Appl Behav Anal. 2021 Jun;54(3):1013-1031. doi: 10.1002/jaba.824. Epub 2021 Mar 13. PMID: 33713450; PMCID: PMC9039760
- Mitteer DR, Greer BD, Randall KR, Kimball RT, Smith SW. Empirically Deriving Omission and Commission Errors for Relapse Tests: A Demonstration of Reverse Translation. Behav Anal (Wash D C). 2021 Nov;21(4):351-363. doi: 10.1037/bar0000218. Epub 2021 Jul 1. PMID: 35005218; PMCID: PMC8740961
- Shahan TA, Greer BD. Destructive behavior increases as a function of reductions in alternative reinforcement during schedule thinning: A retrospective quantitative analysis. J Exp Anal Behav. 2021 Sep;116(2):243-248. doi: 10.1002/jeab.708. Epub 2021 Jul 4. PMID: 34219242; PMCID: PMC8491516
- Fuhrman AM, Fisher WW, Greer BD, Shahan TA, Craig AR. Resurgence Following Traditional and Interdependent Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior. Behav Dev Bull. 2021 Apr;26(1):29-42. doi: 10.1037/bdb0000101. PMID: 34594471; PMCID: PMC8478277.
- Genova, Helen M., et al. "A pilot RCT of virtual reality job interview training in transition-age youth on the autism spectrum." Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 89 (2021): 101878
- Coffield, Caroline N. PhD; Spitalnik, Deborah M. PhD; Harris, Jill F. PhD; Jimenez, Manuel E. MD, Exploring the Experiences of Families of Latino Children Newly Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: May 3, 2021 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000965
- Mackie TI, Schaefer AJ, Ramella L, et al. Understanding How Parents Make Meaning of Their Child's Behaviors During Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Longitudinal Qualitative Investigation. J Autism Dev Disord. 2021;51(3):906-921. doi:10.1007/s10803-020-04502-7
- Fombonne E, Green Snyder L, Daniels A, Feliciano P, Chung W; SPARK Consortium. Psychiatric and Medical Profiles of Autistic Adults in the SPARK Cohort. J Autism Dev Disord. 2020 Oct;50(10):3679-3698. doi: 10.1007/s10803-020-04414-6. PMID: 32096123.
- Fombonne E, Goin-Kochel RP, O'Roak BJ; SPARK Consortium. Beliefs in vaccine as causes of autism among SPARK cohort caregivers. Vaccine. 2020 Feb 11;38(7):1794-1803. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.12.026. Epub 2020 Jan 8. PMID: 31924427.
- Coffield, Caroline N., et al. "Parental Concerns of Underserved Young Children at Risk for Autism." Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 31.2 (2020): 742-755
- Juliano, Anthony C., et al. "Feasibility of a school-based mindfulness program for improving inhibitory skills in children with autism spectrum disorder." Research in Developmental Disabilities 101 (2020): 103641
- McClain, M. B., Shahidullah, J. D., & Mezher, K. (Eds.). Handbook of interprofessional care for pediatric ASD. New York: Springer.
- Harris J, Ibitamunu, G, Aloisio D and Roth A. Is your practice ready for patients with ASD? New Jersey Pediatrics, Spring, 5-10. 2020
- Harris JF, Coffield CN, Janvier YM, Mandell D and Cidav Z. Validation of The Developmental Check-In Tool for Low-Literacy Autism Screening. Pediatrics 2021; 147(1) e20193659.
- Harris JF, Gorman LP, Doshi A, Swope S, Page SD. Development and implementation of health care transition resources for youth with autism spectrum disorders within a primary care medical home. Autism. 2021 Apr;25(3):753-766. doi: 10.1177/1362361320974491. Epub 2020 Nov 25. PMID: 33238726
For a full list of publications, please click here.
Distinguished Lecture Series
- Nancy Cheak-Zamora, Ph.D.: “To Independence and Beyond- Facilitating the Transition to Adulthood for Autistic Youth” Held September 22, 2022.
About Children's Specialized Hospital's Autism Program
Treating children with an ASD diagnosis from birth through 21 years of age, our Autism Program provides coordinated, multidisciplinary care with a focus on early identification, treatment, family-centered care and community outreach.