Child Life Internship Application Materials

Internship Requirements

Child Life Internships follow the modules, guidelines, and assessment recommended by the Association of Child Life Professionals (ACLP). A child life internship experience is exclusively offered at the New Brunswick campus for 15 consecutive weeks for a total of 600 hours. The internships are offered in the spring and fall, subject to staff availability.

Students are advised to check with the child life clinical internship coordinator prior to submitting an application to confirm we are accepting interns for the desired semester. Please use the ACLP common application and the ACLP application deadlines to apply.

Please review the Association of Child Life Professionals for the internship application process, available at

All Child Life internship questions can be directed to the Child Life Clinical Internship Coordinator, Christina Dellibovi, at

Patient Stories

  • After open heart surgery, 7-year-old Lily's biggest concern was the availability of blue ice pops and the unpleasant taste of acetaminophen. “Considering that she had open heart surgery, I'll take those complaints any day!” said her mother, Denise.

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  • When reflecting back on his time in the Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program, Adrian said, “I had fun the entire time.”

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  • “The entire diagnosis process at Children’s Specialized Hospital was so quick – it was a miracle to have answers,”

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Patient Stories

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