Jun 28, 2024 June 2024: Find Joy in Slowing Down

Couple strolling on the beach

The Olympic motto, “Citius, Altius, Fortius,” translates to, “Faster, Higher, Stronger,” and it feels like the mantra of our society. We feel pressure to be better, faster, and more productive each day. But by taking some time away from the rush of everyday life we can find both greater effectiveness and joy.

Constant busyness is not good for us. Our minds are wired to manage one task at a time. By multitasking or switching between tasks, we are actually reducing productivity by as much as 40%, while increasing stress and the potential for errors, making us less effective, not more.

There is a lot of wisdom in the saying, “Stop and smell the roses.” By slowing down and taking breaks, you give your brain a rest, resulting in better focus, efficiency, and results.

Slow down to focus on what matters, reduce multitasking, and practice being in the present. Connecting with friends, family, and nature helps us experience joy in the everyday. Not only will you increase your productivity, but these are all excellent forms of self-care.

If you have difficulties slowing down and finding joy in your life, One Source EAP can help with 24/7/365 access at 800-300-0628. All calls are strictly confidential.

Tips To Help You Slow Down

Start today and commit to at least one tip to slow down and enjoy life more.

  • Set up reminders to take breaks
  • Spend some time doing nothing, or as little as possible
  • Decrease your screen time
  • Go outside, or try forest bathing
  • Try meditation or mindfulness
  • Get more physical activity
  • Start a journal
  • Stop waiting for everything to be perfect!

View more details.

Register For the June Seminar, “The Art of Slowing Down,” and watch the May Replay

Join the June One Source EAP 30-minute seminar, “The Art of Slowing Down” on Tuesday, June 18th at 12:00 PM. View the full list of Monthly Seminars and register for one or all of the remaining sessions.

You can also watch a replay of the May seminar, “Nurturing Your Mental Health”.

Request other seminar topics for your workgroup. Visit the seminar page on our website to review the list of our seminar offerings. Schedule a seminar for your team.

One Source EAP