Apr 10, 2024 March 2024: Unplug For Health and Wellness

Group of people having fun outdoors

The thought of accidentally leaving our phones at home sends shivers down our spines. Many of us are glued to our electronic devices.—not just for work purposes, but for information, entertainment, and social media. Too much screen time, however, can have negative side effects such as eye strain, poor posture, poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression, and social isolation, to name a few.

Taking time to unplug is great self-care. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, increase mindfulness, and improve social relationships by connecting on deeper levels.
During March, challenge yourself to unplug for one day. Increase your chances of success by planning non-electronic activities such as a picnic, board games with friends and family, hitting the gym or the trail, or curling up with a good paperback or hardcover book.

You can also help your family enjoy the benefits of unplugging by setting guidelines at home, such as no phones during meals, device-free zones, and promoting silencing notifications during family time

If you find it difficult to unplug, contact One Source EAP at 800-300-0628. All calls are answered 24/7/365 and are strictly confidential.

8 Reasons to Unplug Once A Week

Taking a break from technology and social media once a week benefits your physical, social, and emotional health. By unplugging once a week, you’ll:

  1. Be more productive
  2. Be more focused
  3. Sleep better
  4. Decrease anxiety and depression
  5. Improve relationships
  6. Improve your health
  7. Rewire your brain in positive ways
  8. Make yourself a better person

For even more tips, read the full Forbes article.

Register For the March Seminar, “Unplug for Health and Wellness

Join Dr. Fred Foley for the March One Source EAP 30-minute seminar, “Unplug for Health and Wellness,” on Tuesday, March 19th at 12:00 PM. View the full list of Monthly Seminars and register for one or all of the sessions.

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