Apr 10, 2024 April 2024: The Power Behind The Power Nap

woman taking a nap on her desk next to her computer

We all have those nights, on occasion, when sleep is elusive. The next day you know the only things that will keep you going are coffee, sugar and energy drinks. But, what you probably really need is a nap!

The word “nap” evokes images of preschoolers or the elderly, not working people. Yet, research shows that a 10 to 20 minute nap in the middle of the day will do more to keep you alert, productive and energized than caffeine. If done correctly, brief downtime can salvage your day without wrecking your nighttime sleep or your career.

The siesta in Spain, the riposo in Italy, inemuri in Japan, Úti in Iceland and Wǔshuì in China are all examples of cultural traditions that promote recharging in the middle of the day! Some U.S. companies, including Google, Cisco and Zappos, also recognize how a nap during the day has benefits for employees and the company.

A nap has been shown to improve memory, cognition, and learning , enhances mood, productivity , creativity and job performance. It can also relieve stress and be good for your heart.

If you find it difficult to sleep on a regular basis, contact One Source EAP at 800-300-0628. All calls are answered 24/7/365 and are strictly confidential.

Tips to Make the Most of A Nap

Knowing how to nap will help you make the most out of a limited period of time.

  1. Set a time limit, 15 to 30 minutes – longer naps cause “nap hangover”
  2. Plan your nap so you don’t disrupt your sleep at night –early afternoon if you work a day shift
  3. Create a conducive environment –remove distractions and get comfortable
  4. Set a timer – no more than 30 minutes
  5. Give yourself a few minutes to wake up!

Register For the April Seminar, “Milk and Cookies – It’s Time To Take A Nap

Join Dr. Robert Lawrence Friedman for the April One Source EAP 30-minute seminar, “Milk and Cookies It’s Time To Take A Nap” on Tuesday, April 16th at 12:00 PM. View the full list of Monthly Seminars and register for one or all of the sessions.

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