Feb 3, 2020 Find Your Balance

One Source EAP Connections - February 2020

Find Your Balance

Find you balanceMost of us are juggling multiple responsibilities, from work to parenting to relationships with parents. Then add in romance, a social life and some "me" time for exercise or just to sit on the beach and read a book. Making time for everything can seem impossible!

Harmonizing your personal and professional responsibilities is called work-life balance. Losing your sense of balance creates the potential for burnout and other stress related problems.

So, how do you find some semblance of balance in your life? Steven Covey, educator, author, businessman and keynote speaker, told the story of the "The Big Rocks of Life", which demonstrates how critical it is to set priorities in order to fit your most important things - your big rocks - into your life. Putting these things first helps you find balance and reduce stress and burnout.

What are your big rocks?

The EAP Team

Work-life balance is the subject of a multitude of articles such as, "The Best Way to Achieve Work-Life Balance," to "10 Ways to Encourage Healthy Work-Life Balance," to "37 Tips For a Better Work-Life Balance." There are books and blogs, but what it comes down to is the right balance is different for each of us.

Mental Health America (MHA), a non-profit dedicated to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans, takes a common-sense approach to balancing your personal and professional responsibilities. Its article, "Work-Life Balance", provides suggestions to find your own balance. Included in those suggestions, "Take advantage of your company’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP)."

Your One Source EAP team presents several Work-Life Balance seminars, including:

  • Balancing Work, Family and Self
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Grabbing Hold of Your Life

We help participants understand their personal and professional life and the impact it has on their work-life balance. Click here to request a seminar.

We also offer mini workshops comprised of three consecutive 20-minute sessions, enabling departments to run smoothly by staggering the staff who attend each session.

One Source EAP Connections February 2020To take advantage of your EAP benefit, contact 800.300.0628, 24/7, 365 days a year.
Contact with the EAP is completely confidential!

One Source Employee Assistance Program