Mar 27, 2018 Make Breakfast a Priority

It only makes sense that breakfast, literally meaning “breaking fast” from the night before, is vital in nourishing and fueling your body after waking up not having had food in over 10 hours. While all meals are important, breakfast is particularly responsible for how your day begins.

People who eat breakfast in the morning tend to focus and concentrate better – whether in school or at work. Children who eat breakfast yield better scores in math, reading and on standardized tests. Eating breakfast also helps people maintain healthy weights, and jumpstarts your metabolism early in the day, as opposed to later in the day. Eating a well-rounded nutritious breakfast will give you energy in the morning that should last until your next meal.

It may be difficult to find the time to cook a fresh meal every morning, but luckily there are a lot of ways to prepare ahead of time and simply grab and go each morning:

  • Set the alarm ten minutes earlier if you want to make a quick egg scramble or make a smoothie.
  • Stock up on oatmeal, yogurt, nuts, fresh berries and fruit to grab and go.
  • Hard boil a carton of eggs in the beginning of the week. Then, each morning, pair two eggs with a piece of fruit or whole grain toast.
  • Protein is key in making you feel full enough until lunch. Make sure you’re incorporating at least 10 grams of protein in your breakfast.
  • Pack a mid-morning snack, like a banana, if you don’t eat lunch until later in the day.

Eating breakfast can also help you ward off mid-morning cravings which can help you make healthier lunch choices than if you were choosing your lunch based on an empty stomach.

For a nutritionally balanced breakfast recipe, see the recipe of the month: Frittata with Feta and Greens.

*Courtesy of