Shoulder and Elbow Pain Treatment in New Jersey

Shoulder and elbow joints play a critical role in the functionality of our upper extremities, pivotal for everyday tasks and various forms of physical activity. Injuries can be due to overuse, abrupt movements in sports, joint misalignment or direct impact trauma.

Shoulder and elbow injuries — from arthritis to acute muscle ruptures — can be complex and require specialized care. Our sports medicine physicians and orthopedic surgeons in New Jersey provide customized care, delivering precise diagnoses and comprehensive treatment plans, ensuring each patient's condition is addressed with the utmost expertise.

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Types of Shoulder and Elbow Pain We Treat

shoulder joint and elbow joint

Common shoulder and elbow conditions include:

  • Arthritis. Joint inflammation can lead to debilitating pain. In severe cases, shoulder replacement may offer substantial pain relief and restore function.
  • Bicep and tricep tendon rupture. A tear in the bicep or tricep tendon can cause significant pain and weakness, requiring timely medical intervention.
  • Dislocated shoulder. This injury requires immediate treatment to reduce the dislocation and rehabilitative care to strengthen the joint.
  • Golfer’s elbow. Pain on the inside of the elbow, often from overuse, can be managed with rest, physical therapy, or surgical intervention.
  • Labrum tears. Injuries to the shoulder's labrum can affect stability and range of motion, potentially necessitating arthroscopic surgery.
  • Rotator cuff tears. These may improve with rest and rehabilitation, but severe cases might need surgical repair.
  • Shoulder and elbow fractures. These breaks can vary in severity, with treatment ranging from casting to surgery.
  • Tennis elbow. Overuse of the elbow's tendons can lead to pain and tenderness.
  • Tommy John surgery. Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction is a significant surgery often required for athletes who have severely damaged this elbow ligament.

Whether you're experiencing the pain of arthritis or recovering from a tendon rupture, understanding these conditions is vital for targeted treatment and effective rehabilitation.

Causes of Shoulder and Elbow Pain

Various elements contribute to the risk of elbow and shoulder pain. Some people are more predisposed to these issues than others. Recognizing these factors can help you mitigate risk and may enable you to implement preventive strategies:

  • Age. Aging can lead to degeneration of joint cartilage and decreased muscle strength, increasing susceptibility to shoulder and elbow pain.
  • Overuse. Repetitive activities, such as throwing or lifting, can strain the shoulder and elbow joints, potentially leading to overuse injuries.
  • Excessive weight. Carrying excess weight can strain the upper body's musculoskeletal system, particularly the shoulder and elbow joints.
  • Lack of muscle flexibility or strength. Limited range of motion and weak muscles around the shoulder and elbow can reduce joint stability and increase the risk of injuries.
  • Sports participation. Sports that involve overhead movements, like baseball or tennis, can predispose athletes to shoulder and elbow injuries.
  • Improper training. Inadequate warmup or incorrect technique during physical activity can lead to joint stress and injury.
  • Previous injury. Prior injuries to the shoulder or elbow may increase the likelihood of future issues in these joints.
  • Genetics. An individual's genetic makeup can affect their susceptibility to joint problems, including those affecting the shoulder and elbow.
  • Occupational hazards. Occupations that require repetitive arm movements or heavy lifting can elevate the risk of shoulder and elbow injuries.
  • Certain diseases. Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis can cause joint inflammation, pain, and structural damage.

Shoulder and Elbow Pain Symptoms

Symptoms may include:

  • Localized pain
  • Swelling
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Difficulty performing daily tasks
  • Pain in the upper arm between the elbow and shoulder.

Shoulder and Elbow Pain Diagnosis

To accurately diagnose shoulder and elbow pain, an orthopedic specialist will carry out a comprehensive examination that might include:

  • Medical history. Review any previous injuries, current symptoms and overall health condition.
  • Palpation. Checking the shoulder and elbow for tender areas, swelling or abnormal structures.
  • Range of motion tests. Moving the joints to assess their motion extent and pinpoint pain or discomfort.
  • Strength testing. Evaluating the strength of the surrounding muscles to identify any weaknesses contributing to pain or instability.
  • Observing movement. Looking at how patients use their shoulder and elbow in various activities to identify problematic patterns.
  • Imaging. Employing X-rays, MRIs or CT scans to visualize bone and soft tissue structures within the shoulder and elbow.

Shoulder and Elbow Pain Treatment in New Jersey

At RWJBarnabas Health, our approach to treating shoulder and elbow conditions involves:

  • Tailored treatment plans. We craft personalized strategies that address the unique aspects of each patient's condition.
  • Diverse treatments. We use advanced nonsurgical techniques and modern surgical procedures, combining techniques when it can help hasten healing and rehabilitation.
  • Professional care. Our experienced orthopedic specialists are committed to ensuring a positive outcome.

Our treatment plans are individually tailored, varying from conservative care to advanced surgical interventions based on the specific nature of the shoulder or elbow condition. Our therapeutic options include:

  • RICE technique. Employing rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) to reduce swelling and alleviate pain.
  • Immobilization. Using slings or braces to provide stability and support to the affected area, promoting healing.
  • Physical therapy. Designing targeted exercise programs that enhance joint strength and flexibility.
  • Medications. Administering anti-inflammatory medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, to manage pain and inflammation. Injections, such as corticosteroids, may be utilized for more intense inflammation.
  • Surgery. In some cases, surgery may be indicated to alleviate shoulder or elbow pain.

Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

For cases where conservative treatments are not sufficient, our skilled surgeons are prepared to conduct minimally invasive procedures or traditional open surgery tailored to specific injuries, such as:

We are also at the forefront of advanced therapies, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy therapy and other regenerative medicine techniques, to encourage natural healing and expedite recovery.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation for Shoulders and Elbows

Recovery times for shoulder and elbow conditions can vary greatly; minor issues may improve within weeks, whereas more serious injuries, especially those needing surgical intervention, might require several months of orthopedic rehabilitation. At RWJBarnabas Health, we have designed our rehabilitation programs to achieve the best possible outcomes and ensure a rapid return to normal activities.

Expert Care for Shoulder and Elbow Pain in New Jersey

If you're experiencing shoulder or elbow pain, RWJBarnabas Health can help. As the state's largest integrated academic health care system, we feature award-winning medical services and a team of highly qualified, board-certified orthopedic surgeons. Our facilities boast the latest technology critical for precise diagnosis and effective treatment of shoulder and elbow conditions.

Contact Us

Do not overlook the symptoms of shoulder or elbow pain. Timely care from our orthopedic specialists can help avoid further complications and hasten recovery. Rely on RWJBarnabas Health for all-encompassing, expert care for your shoulder and elbow pain.

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